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Use the humble pool noodle to baby proof your home

Our darling son is a particularly active child (understatement :)) … so we baby proofed long before he took his first steps and I can honestly say that some simple hacks have saved us countless trips to emergency. I can’t tell you how many times he has tripped and run head first into all kinds of pointy furniture, attempted to slam doors on his fingers and do somersaults out of his cot.

If your little one is on the move and all you can see is potential disaster, don’t panic!

Basic baby proofing doesn’t take much effort and doesn’t have to be expensive. We used the humble pool noodle, yes, pool noodle, very effectively throughout our home. Just slice down the middle and stick onto wherever you want to create a bumper.

Cot pool noodle
If you have a jumpy baby, this will stop them whacking their chins on the cot rail when they get a bit too excited. Also great for mummy arms if you’re reaching in to settle a baby. We did find though that we had to remove this once he started teething!
TV cabinet bumper
This bumper on the TV cabinet has saved us so many trips to emergency! (Note the removed cabinet handles too!)
Blue bumper
We’ve even inspired pool noodle bumpers at nanna & poppy’s place! Sharp glass hall table. Ouch!
Door bumper
It sends shivers down my spine to think of their little fingers caught in a slamming door. We use these, some commercial bumpers and a wedged door stop (overkill much!?).

This post outlines just a few basic baby proofing hacks using pool noodles. There is a lot more to consider! Take a look around and consider every possible scenario… as your baby is likely to try every one of them! Consider baby gates, plug socket covers and all the things that can go wrong in a kitchen. Don’t panic, but take reasonable steps to baby proof. In time it will all just become part of normal everyday life.

We’d love to hear of your baby proofing hacks. Leave us a comment below.



  1. […] Baby Proofing: Basic baby proofing doesn’t take much effort and doesn’t have to be expensive. We used the humble pool noodle, yes, pool noodle, very effectively throughout our home. Just slice down the middle and stick onto wherever you want to create a bumper. -Maja at Mumma Hack […]

  2. 17 November 2015 at 11:43 AM

    Thanks Carla! 🙂 Our son loves to run like crazy through the house and has banged into furniture so many times, the pool noodles have really saved him.

  3. 16 November 2015 at 9:32 PM

    This hack is absolute genius! My son is just about to start walking and is starting to get into absolutely everything. I am going to head to the store tomorrow and stock up on pool noodles. It is absolutely perfect. Fabulous post – thank you!

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